Finally, I have setup the weblog and it is now a fact. I have put much effort into it the last couple of evenings, Saturday morning and the whole Sunday. I was not familiar with WordPress and it was supposed to be a good tool for creating a weblog. Though because of all the possibilities and plugin tools it seemed a maze of functions.
Besides the layout and setup I have also written the first content. The default pages have received content. Both the page for India as Pune will receive some content at a later stage for I am reading some books as foundation for that content. The first book is ‘een leidraad voor gewoonten & etiquette – INDIA‘. I also have two others, but I will start with them later.
Of course my won observations and experiences will be written down. I have already started with the weeks of preparation before I came to India. This post includes the first pictures of my Visa story. The experiences and impressions of the last week I will write in the upcoming days since I have already experiences so much !
Have fun reading my stories and drop by sometimes. For today I will conclude my internet activities as the temperature drops I think Ill head outside. A whole day inside does not feel right!
Cheers, Hendrik Jan – 17:30